Once upon a time, an eight years old girl named 'Alice' was at home alone with his older brother, 'Jimmy'. At 9:30 pm Jimmy sent to bed Alice, and when he came out of her room, he heard a strange noise, like a shout: -AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice wake up and called Jimmy:
- Jimmyy, Jimmyyyy!!! I have heard a shout, come here quickly, JIMMYYYY!!!!
As Jimmy was listening to music on their headphones, he did not hear Alice. She went down the stairs and came in to the living room to see if he was there or not.. When she came into the living room, she heard again: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice was more scared and she shouted another time:
Jimmy heard Alice´s shout.. He asked her: -What’s the matter Alice???? Why aren’t you at bed?????
- I heard a scream that scared me!!! Wait a minute, I am hearing it again, listen…-replied Alice-.
- Wow, that is very strange, I want to know what the time is now- said Jimmy very scared. It´s midnight! now .Let's go to bed, tomorrow we will investigate the noise.
The next day, Jimmy waked up earlyand he went to wake up Alice:
- Good morning Alice!-says Jimmy while he waked up Alice.
- Good morning Jimmy, when will we investigate the noises?-replied Alice-.
- When we have breakfast, we brush our teeth and get dress, that’s say, when we are ready..
Jimmy called his parents (James and Taylor) and said::
- Mum, dad, the last night we heard a strange noisy. It was like a help shout!!!!
- Like: “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!”???Taylor aked. .
- Yes mum, just like this. How do you know it????-kimmy asked again ¿a little part of strange-.?
- Ah, don’t worry, it is the alarm of the TV. When it is going to switch off (you can put an hour to switch off) it alerts you-replied Taylor-.
- Thank you mum, when are you coming back???-Jimmy asked.
Suddenly the bell rang, there were James and Taylor!!!!
- Hi mum, hi dad, we’re very happy that you have come back!!!!-Jimmy and Alice said at chorus-.
-I was very scared last night, mummy-said Alice hugging her mother-.
-Don’t worry Alice, we’re back-said James-.
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